Friday, July 11, 2014

Get Energized at #AAFPNC

In less than one month, thousands of family medicine educators, residents, and medical students will be leaving the 2014 American Academy of Family Physicians National Conference for Family Medicine Residents and Medical Students (also known as the AAFP National Conference) feeling renewed and energized about their choice or desire to be a family physician.


The AAFP National Conference is an annual meeting that gives medical students and medical residents from across the country an opportunity to:

This year's conference runs August 7 through August 9 in Kansas City, Missouri. (More)


The energy at the conference is palpable. Last year's attendance hit a record number of more than 3,500 people. The conference has also generated a lot of conversation around family medicine education and advocacy. Last year alone, the event hashtag (#aafpnc) saw more than 300 tweets over the course of the three-day conference; attendees were also active on other social media platforms, like Facebook, Instagram, and Vine. 

Numbers tell only part of the story. Here's why medical student attendees have told us this is a CAN'T MISS event for those thinking about family medicine. 

  • The AAFP National Conference is a great way to learn about current events in family medicine, get involved with leadership, and visit with residency programs from across the country. 
  • The opportunity to talk to residency programs from all over the country is priceless. 
  • The conference presents a tremendous opportunity to network with residencies, attend a variety of workshops, and enjoy a change of scenery from medical school. I gained a new appreciation for the diversity of training programs and types of practices available to family physicians. It was an eye-opening experience; I recommend every student attend.
  • The AAFP National Conference is a great opportunity to learn more about the specialty, check out residencies, and meet new people. It's a lot of fun too! 

Better still, watch this video of students sharing feedback from their conference experience: Capture the Vision of Family Medicine -- National Conference -- AAFP.


Faculty, staff, and residents from our eight family medicine residencies will be at the conference. Visit us in Booths #914 and #917

We'll be actively using social media throughout the conference: 

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