Tuesday, January 21, 2014

The Ladder: Lifting the Next Generation of Health Leaders

Photo provided by The Ladder.
The Ladder is a unique mentorship program/club in North Minneapolis for kids who are interested in health careers.

The club incorporates service learning, leadership development, and progressive mentorship.

Program Goals

• Build a community of learners and leaders
• Create supportive intergenerational and peer-to-peer bonds
• Bridge the divide between communities and their academic neighbors
• Link young members and their families to a viable pathway for capacity building through personal and community enrichment

North Memorial residency faculty Reneé Crichlow, MD, is one of the founding members of The Ladder. The following Q&A with Crichlow about this innovative program was shared in a previous edition of the Family Medicine Connection.

Photo provided by The Ladder.

Q. What is The Ladder?

A. Our motto is “lift as you climb, build as you grow.” One of the most important aspects of The Ladder is progressive mentorship, meaning every member is both a mentee and a mentor. For example, kids who are in middle school are encouraged to continue their efforts by older medical scholar mentors, like high school students. The middle school students also support each other with peer-to-peer praise, and the same middle school students encourage the elementary students to continue to make good choices. This type of support continues, moving up the ladder.

Q. What happens at The Ladder?

A. The Ladder holds monthly meetings in North Minneapolis. Meetings include lunch; check-in, discussion, and personal reflection; as well as hands-on learning experiences relating to some aspect of the medical field.

Q. What is the future of The Ladder? 

A. We are partnering with the Urban Area Health Education Center (AHEC) at the University of Minnesota’s Urban Research and Outreach-Engagement Center (UROC). I see our future as an expanding, exciting organization that is a pipeline of support for those interested in any health care career or even just building a good application for college. We are committed to the North Minneapolis community and to each other. Check us out at www.TheLadderMN.org.

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